Will Your Dock Seals & Shelters Survive Winter? Inspect Them & Find Out
Now that Fall’s here, it’s time to talk about Winter protections at your docks.
As the weather turns cold, insects, birds, and rodents will try to find warmer climates. That includes the inside of your facility—a problem nobody wants to deal with.
Now’s the time to check your docks’ seals and shelters. Let’s keep the bad stuff out, keep product safe, and keep our teams comfortable.

The Sources for Dock Seal/Shelter Damage
What causes damage to dock seals/shelters? The same things you don’t want getting into the facility.
Cold. Colder temperatures shrink seals and shelters. The hot-cold cycle warps both, pulling open gaps and cracking rubber edges.
Trailers. More than anything else, trailers damage dock seals and shelters. Sharp edges on the trailers, or the trailers moving up and down during load/unload, cut or press on the seals/shelters. Over time this wears out in spots or creates tears.
Heat. Dock seals and shelters use rubber, foam, and wood in their construction. What does heat do to rubber, foam, and wood? Makes them expand.
Over time, the hot/cold differential between the inside of your facility, and the docks’ exterior, can open gaps for weather, vermin, and moisture to get inside.
Water. Dock shelters don’t compress against trailers like seals do. But they do funnel rain away from the dock. Years of this weakens shelter curtains.
Eventually, all seals give out. It’s just a matter of time. We all know that...so it's on all of us to keep an eye on them.
How to Examine Dock Seals & Shelters in 10 Minutes
In case you haven’t already done your regular checks on dock seals & shelters, here's a quick how-to. It should only take you 10 minutes to check most of your docks.
- Examine all seals for consistent hold on trucks, while trucks are in position. Use the flashlight test to identify gaps between them.
- Flashlight Test: Shine a flashlight along the dock, with someone standing on the other side of it. If you’re inside with the flashlight, they’re outside. They should use chalk to mark on the dock where any light shines through the seal.
- Run your hands down the seals to check for cracks, rough patches, or depressions in the support foam. You want a smooth, even surface all the way around.
- Make a note to check the seals again in January or February, after the worst of the Winter season passes. They should NOT change in coverage at all. If they do, you have shrinking seals.
- Examine all shelter fabric for tears, including the top curtain.
- Examine all attachment points. You shouldn’t see any wear, broken attachments, or staining. (Don’t forget the Velcro patches; the stitching behind those can break too!)
- Check the upper corners of your warehouse door. Look for rust on the door, cobwebs, or debris lodged in the shelter.
- For rust, scrub it off and use clear coat to protect the area.
- Check the alignment on all shelter canvases. Have any bent? Something may have damaged the internal tubing.
Found gaps, tears, or another sign of failure? Schedule a dock repair as soon as possible with your local Cromer. We take care of:
- Repair of minor cracks/tears
- Replacement of cracked segments
- Replacement of curtain or side panels
- Repair for internal tubing
Why ASAP? Supply for some dock parts is still limited. Things like fresh seals can take months to order & arrive. Ordering now means you’ll have them in place when the cold really hits.
Should You Switch from a Dock Seal to a Shelter (Or a Shelter to a Seal)?
Finally, let’s answer a question that comes up now & then. If you have a dock seal, does it make sense to switch to a shelter? Or vice versa?
It depends on the dock’s regular activity. Consider all the following factors when you’re wondering about a switch.
- Seals isolate the dock more efficiently than shelters, but not all docks need high-seal protection.
- What products does your facility transport?
- Food product requires dock seals to protect shipments from contamination.
- Non-perishable items can use either a seal or shelter.
- If you receive loads from different trailer sizes, a dock seal may not fit to all of them, leaving open-air gaps (and causing damage). In this case, a shelter makes more sense.
Winter-Secured Seals & Shelters Keep Everything in Good Shape
Without snug-fitting seals or shelters, our docks would constantly let weather, water, and bugs inside. They’re a critical part of the facility. This (and every) Fall, let’s take a few minutes and check them over. Handling any needed repairs before Winter hits will make everyone healthier & happier.
Until next month!
-The Cromer Team
Cromer Material Handling
Deal of the Month
For the October Deal of the Month, here's a Cat LPG with extra-high capacity. Need a big hauler? How’s 12,000 pounds of lift?

This is a Cat GC55K, one of the strongest cushion-tire forklifts out there. It has a three-stage mast with side shifter, and 8,750 hours on it. The Cromer Service Team has tuned it and certified it ready for work.
Pick up this 2018 Cat LPG for only $38,900. There’s only one, so when it’s gone, it’s gone.
To get this Deal, call Cromer at 800.464.3225 and ask for the October Deal of the Month.