Forklift Battery Recycling: The Safe, Simple Process You Can Use Today
One of the benefits of electric forklifts is that their power source – the batteries – can be removed & replaced. Extending the forklift’s lifespan even further.
How should we dispose of the old batteries? Odds are you know the answer – recycle them!
But how? What’s the right process? You can’t just drop them off at my local recycling center, can you?
No, not really. But the right process is simple…and we’ll go through it in this article.

You Can Recycle Almost All Forklift Batteries – If You Do It Right
An important note to make right now – You are responsible for safe battery handling!
Don’t let just anyone try to scrap/recycle your batteries. If a fly-by-night operation takes your batteries and dumps them in an unsafe location, you could end up on the hook for environmental damage.
First off: Assess what type of forklift battery you have - lead-acid, lithium-ion, and lithium iron phosphate. Each battery type needs different handling:
- Lead-acids are the heaviest and most toxic type.
- Lead-acid batteries require watering, while lithium batteries do not. All water must be drained before recycling can begin (you don’t need to do this on-site though).
- Lithium-ion is the most common type for newer electric forklifts.
- Lithium iron phosphate batteries will be marked as such, or display "LiFePO4".
- BYD forklifts use lithium iron phosphate batteries.
- Lithium iron phosphate batteries are chemically neutral; they pose zero environmental risk.
- Never let anyone try to pick up a forklift battery!
Once you know which battery type you have, it’s time to call Cromer. Relay the battery type and request a recycling process.
How do we handle recycling for forklift batteries? It’s not the same process for all of them.
For Lead-Acid Batteries:
- Most of the forklift batteries we take for recycling are lead-acid.
- The good news is, 99% of these batteries are recyclable!
- These must be handled with care, as some of the components are toxic (lead, acids, etc.).
- Cromer brings lead-acid batteries to one of several EPA-Certified recycling partners across the Western U.S. They process all the components – including the lead and battery acid – producing new materials for battery manufacturing and rendering any remaining materials safe to dispose.
For Lithium-Ion and Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries:
- Supposedly harder to recycle, but this isn’t true anymore
- Cromer has several options, with even more coming
- Return to manufacturer, who either recycles the full battery, or reuses its components in its own manufacturing process
- Use a third-party recycler
- Some of our recycling partners are certified for lithium batteries (especially at EV/forklift size!).
- More keep popping up too. In 2022, Li-Cycle opened a recycling plant in Arizona.
How Cromer Handles Battery Recycling for Customers
This is the exact process Cromer follows when customers need any industrial batteries recycled.
- Customer contacts their local Cromer.
- The customer’s assigned representative sets a time to come on-site for an assessment.
- On-site, the Cromer rep will review the batteries to be recycled, build an inventory list with their characteristics, and offer the customer solutions.
- Solutions may include:
- Sending the batteries to one of our recycling partners,
- Sending to the original manufacturer for reconditioning/parts, or
- Sending to a hazardous materials disposal company for safe disposal.
- Solutions may include:
- The Cromer rep arranges for pickup & transport of the batteries, directly to the appropriate partner location.
- In some cases, Cromer may pay a scrap fee to the customer for the batteries at this stage.
- The partner communicates from Cromer, so we can make sure safe recycling/disposal takes place.
- The Cromer rep provides the customer with any documentation necessary for their tax filings and/or EPA compliance.
Everyone Can Recycle Forklift Batteries, With One Call
In the coming years, we anticipate more lithium forklift batteries than lead-acid across the market. Recycling becomes even more important as a result.
Every Cromer location is happy (and equipped) to take care of battery recycling for you. Just call us!
Until next month!
-The Cromer Team
Cromer Material Handling
Deal of the Month
2019 CAT 2C6000 – ONLY $18,900
For the August Deal of the Month, we have a solid LPG Cat for sale! This is a Cat2C6000 LPG truck from 2019.

This model has a 6,000# capacity with cushion tires and a three-stage mast. It has 4,693 hours on it, and has been serviced. These Cats are good all-arounds for the warehouse and docks.
Pick up this Cat LPG for only $18,900. We do have a couple models in stock at this price—but only a couple!
To get this Deal, call Cromer at 800-464-3225 and ask for the August Deal of the Month!