Big News: Cromer Material Handling Has Joined GNCO!
Hello everyone. This is Marshall Cromer, the Forklift Boss. Today I have some big news for you.
As of May 2021, GNCO has acquired Cromer Material Handling!
GNCO is the parent company of several material handling dealerships, including Towlift Inc., a major distributor headquartered in Ohio. Towlift operates across several Midwestern states, providing much of the same forklift brands and equipment that Cromer does.
GNCO also owns a range of other companies that serve the material handling industry including warehousing, fleet management, forklift parts & service, technician and forklift operating name it.
I've known the guys at Towlift for years now; they're good people. When we started talking about a sale, I admit, I was skeptical. I've spent 30 years building up my business. I'd only sell if it gave me a chance to do more.
The more we talked, the more I realized such a sale would work. Towlift wasn't interested in making big changes to our team or our inventory. They want to do the same thing I want: Go Bigger!

The deal closed this week. Will there be changes? Only good ones!
The things that will change:
- The Cromer team will gain access to the Towlift forklift & material handling inventory. This gives us much more product to meet your operational needs.
The things that will NOT change:
- All Cromer facilities remain open, with the same hours, the same contact information, and the same sales & service.
- We will continue to provide the right product for the right job.
- We will still have "your price."
Most importantly, the Cromer quality you've come to know will remain the same.
Thank you for your support over the years. I very much look forward to our growth ahead, and to working to earn your business, day in and day out.
Until next time!
Marshall Cromer, The Forklift Boss
Cromer Material Handling